Chiharu Shiota is a Japanese artist who now lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Her work is on show at The New Art Gallery Walsall until 30 th March. She has a variety of work on show including two site specific installation works which are the focus of this post. Henry Giroux (2005) in his book Border Crossings talked of people in the 21 st century occupying ‘multiple, contradictory, and complex subject positions…within different social, cultural and economic locations’ (Giroux 2005:13). It could be said that the work of Chiharu Shiota allows the exploration of such positions. Through her work we travel to and occupy a range of social and cultural spaces, we are able to connect with unknown people from various locations, whose stories we may see in the gallery, but yet somehow we can never fully understand or be a part of. Shiota’s work has journeyed from a far and permitted us the opportunity to navigate within and to temporarily cross boundaries and b...
Kuandika is a swahili word and it means 'to write'. Art, Literature and Culture outside the Western canon = Kuandika blog spot. An intervention space within which I aim to make art work, literature and other cultural exploits which do not fit within the expected Western and European canon, more visible.